- Columbus City Schools
- Pre-Kindergarten
Early Childhood Education
2025-2026 Pre-K Enrollment
The Online Registration for Pre-K will open at a later date. If you recently submitted a Pre-K registration for the 2025-2026 school year, you will need to submit a new one once Pre-K registration is made available.
Please continue to check our website for updates. We are still enrolling for the 2024-2025 school year.
2024-2025 Pre-K Enrollment
Columbus City Schools is offering our Pre-K program tuition-waived for the 2024-2025 school year. The Online Registration will open January 3, 2024. Enrollment appointments are no longer required. School selections will begin April 3, 2024 via the Parent Portal. If you have any questions, please contact 380-997-5192 or email eceenrollment@columbus.k12.oh.us.
Please view the enrollment page for documents needed to enroll.
Pre-Kindergarten Overview
Pre-K students must be potty-trained and turn 4 years old by September 30th. If your child will be 5 years old by September 30th, your child is not eligible for Pre-K but is eligible for kindergarten. Because the need for ECE is so great, students who live outside the Columbus City School District will not be considered for Pre-K enrollment.
Families who need to enroll must complete the Online Registration. If you have registration questions or you would like to schedule an enrollment appointment, please contact our Central Enrollment Center at 614-365-4011. Please take time to thoroughly review the Necessary Documents to ensure that your application is not delayed in processing. Parents and legal guardians can complete the SpeedyPass Online Registration form located here.
Enrollment Information
Once the Online Registration (OLR) is processed, the parent/guardian will receive their Parent Portal activation and additional information via an email from the Enrollment Specialist. The parent/guardian will then need to activate their Parent Portal in order to make their school selection and can place their child on up to three (3) waitlists. If an enrollment offer is made, the parent/guardian will have 48 hours to accept in the Parent Portal. If the parent/guardian does not respond to the offer, it will automatically be declined.
Priority Enrollment
The Early Childhood Education Program will adhere to the federal title fund guidelines for priority Pre-K enrollment for students/families who meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Foster care youth
- Families who receive SNAP benefits (food stamps)
- Families who are in temporary housing (homeless)
- English-language learners
Federal title fund guidelines also include priority enrollment for students who meet both factors:
- Students with challenges in literacy and language (information is collected through an online parent survey)
- Students with challenges in social and emotional behavior (information is collected through an online parent survey)
Pre-K is open to ALL qualifying students, not just those who meet criteria for priority enrollment. Families who do not meet these criteria will be placed on a waitlist and if space is available when priority enrollment ends, they will be notified via email on or after July 8, 2024. Waitlisted families should review their Parent Portal often.
Kindergarten Lottery
PLEASE READ: Pre-K students enrolled in lottery schools (Columbus Spanish Immersion, Columbus Africentric, Duxberry Park, Ecole Kenwood and Oakland Park) for 2024-2025, will need to participate in the lottery process for Kindergarten enrollment for 2025-2026. There is no priority enrollment for Kindergarten.
For more information about enrollment, please contact 380-997-5192 or email eceenrollment@columbus.k12.oh.us.
Medical Requirement
It is a requirement of the Early Childhood Education Program that all students have a well-child visit within the last 12 months prior to starting Pre-K. The medical must be submitted before your child can attend class. It can be faxed to 614-365-8745 or emailed to ECENurses@columbus.k12.oh.us.
School Based Health Centers
ECE Enrollment Packet
Arabic Enrollment Packet
French Enrollment Packet
Nepali Enrollment Packet
Somali Enrollment Packet
Spanish Enrollment Packet
2024-2025 Pre-K Dates
January 3, 2024 - 2024-2025 School Year Online Registration Begins
April 3, 2024 - Families can begin making Pre-K school selections in Parent Portal
July 8, 2024 - New Pre-K wait-listed families will be notified via email if space is available. Please continue to check your Parent Portal after this date.
July 29 - 30, 2024 - Woodcrest Orientation (scheduled by school)
July 31, 2024 - Woodcrest - first full day of Pre-K attendance
August 23 - 26, 2024 - Woodcrest - No school for Pre-K
September 3 - 4, 2024 - Orientation (scheduled by school)
September 5, 2024 - All Students Report - first full day of Pre-K attendance
Enrollment Steps
Steps to Complete Enrollment:
1. Gather enrollment documents.
2. Fill out Speedy Pass online registration.
3. Upload enrollment documents.
4. After registration is processed, go to the Parent Portal.
5. Complete the Pre-K Application and make school selection.
6. You will be notified of an offer or waitlist number.You can also view the Pre-K Enrollment Checklist for more detailed step by step information.