- Columbus City Schools
- Health Services Clinic
Columbus City Schools Health Services Clinic
The school district Health Services office is open for return to work physicals during the following hours at 430 Cleveland Avenue, Suite 121A:
Monday 1 pm -- 3:00 pm
Tuesday 8 am – 11:30 am
Thursday 1 pm – 4:00 pm
Friday 8 am – 11:30 am
Please call 614-365-5824 to schedule an appointment during these hours.Information on Returning To Work
Staff who are absent for 10 consecutive work days (certificated staff) or 15 consecutive work days (classified staff) must have a statement from their health care provider that they may return to work including the date to return and a statement related to any restrictions (whether there are or are not any). The statement must be dated within 2 weeks of the return-to-work date. If the employee has any work restrictions they must schedule an appointment with the CCS Board Physician to be cleared to return to work.** Please call Health Services for more information or to schedule an appointment at 614-365-5824 **