- Columbus City Schools
- Office of Student Assistance
Suspension Appeals
If a student has been suspended from school and Parent(s)/Guardian(s) do not agree on the suspension, they have a right to appeal. The steps to follow are listed below:
The Parent(s)/Guardian(s) should first attempt to resolve the situation with School Administration.
If a resolution cannot be reached between the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and administration, Parent(s)/Guardian(s) may call the Hearing Office at 614-365-5640 or email the Hearing Office at hearingoffice@columbus.k12.oh.us to request an appeal Arrangements will be made to schedule an appeal hearing with the Parent(s)/Guardian(s). School Administration will be notified immediately of the time and date for the appeal hearing.
Consideration of the facts and evidence presented by the Student and Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and school personnel will determine whether the suspension will be Upheld, Modified, or Reversed.
Resolutions for Suspension Appeals
IMPORTANT NOTE: All Suspension Appeal Hearings are held virtually via Zoom and will be recorded for our records.
Following a Suspension Appeal hearing with the Hearing Office, your student will be assigned one of these outcomes:
No Action Taken
The No Action Taken resolution is assigned if the Hearing Officer determines that the discipline issued to the student from the school was sufficient and appropriate, and no more disciplinary action should be assigned for the behavioral incident.
This resolution can also be assigned if during the Suspension Appeal hearing, the School Administrator decides to adjust the discipline on their own.
Suspension Modified
Suspensions can be modified if the Hearing Officer determines that the suspension issued was inappropriate for any reason.
Suspension Reversed
Suspensions can be reversed entirely if the suspension was issued inappropriately based on the behavioral offense, and/or failed to adhere to proper disciplinary procedures (Due Process)
Suspension Upheld
Suspensions are upheld if there is no evidence presented at the appeal hearing indicating the discipline issued by the school was given inappropriately or without Due Process.