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Unified Arts
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Physical Education
Ohio Physical Education Standards (2015)
- Standard 1: A physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
- Standard 2: A physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
- Standard 3: A physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
- Standard 4: A physically literate individual exhibits responsible, personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
- Standard 5: A physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
Ohio's Learning Standards for Physical Education.
Pursuant to ORC 3301.079 (B) (3) and 3313.60, it is the responsibility of Ohio's local boards of education to vet and approve curriculum and educational materials for use in the public schools within their district. The use of any materials posted or linked to on the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce website, including materials within Ohio’s Learning Standards or Appendices or any state model curricula or other educational resource material, is entirely up to the discretion of each local board of education.
National Physical Education Standards (2024)
- Standard 1: Develops a variety of motor skills
- Standard 2: Applies knowledge related to movement and fitness concepts.
- Standard 3: Develops social skills through movement.
- Standard 4: Develops personal skills, identifies personal benefits of movement, and chooses to engage in physical activity.
SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2024). National Physical Education Standards.
PreK-2nd Physical Education Curriculum
3rd-5th Physical Education Curriculum
Basic Information
K-5/6 Elementary students receive a minimum of 45 minutes per week according to the district's contract agreement with the Columbus Education Association.
ODE Assessments
K-2 Assessment Student Packet
3rd-5th Data Collection Template
3rd-5th Assessment Student Packet
Additional Resources
K-2 Year at a Glance w/ Lesson & Assessment links
3rd-5th Year at a Glance w/ Lesson and Assessment Links
ODE PE Standards and Benchmarks
MS 6.1 Physical Education Curriculum
MS 7.1 Fitness and Wellness Curriculum
Basic Information
- 8th grade students can be enrolled in 4 separate physical education high school courses, PE I .25 (Graduating Required credit), Phys Educ: Sport Ed 1.2 (General Elective) and Advanced PE .25 P.E. (General Elective) Grades 8-12 and Physical Education II, (.25 HS Graduating Credit). All can be offered for grades 8-12 and require 60 hours of seat time for one semester eacch.
- All 6th grade students must be enrolled in Physical Education 6.1 so they can participate in the Ohio Department of Education Physical Education Evaluation.
- The length of MS PE courses can be completed by having students attend one period per day for a 9 week course up to every day for the entire school year, (not including Physical Education I, II or Sport Education 1.2/Advanced PE, which requires a minimum of 60 hours for the ¼ HS graduating credit per course).
- Physical Education I/II(HS graduating credit) and Sport Education 1.2/Advanced PE (elective credits) are optional HS credit courses for 8th grade students.
ODE Assessments
6th-8th Data Collection Template
Additional Resources
6.1 Semester at a Glance w/ Lesson & Assessment links
7.1 Semester at a Glance w/ Lesson & Assessment links
HS PE I Curriculum
HS PE II Curriculum
Basic Information
- MS students are not necessarily taking Physical Education I or II, (.25 HS graduating credit) while in the 8th grade. Therefore, high schools must provide these graduation course requirements within their master schedule.
- All high school students (except for students that are eligible to receive the Physical Education Waiver are required to receive Physical Education II where they will participate in the Ohio Department of Education Physical Education Evaluation.
- High school students can be enrolled in Physical Education: Sport Education 1.2/Advanced PE for a ¼ high school elective credit once they have completed PE I and PE II.
- The length of Physical Education I, II, and Physical Education: Sport Education 1.2/Advanced PE can be completed by attending one period per day for a minimum of one semester, (60 hours at a minimum for the ¼ HS graduating credit per course).
- Physical Education I, II, and Physical Education: Sport Education 1.2/Advanced PE should not be scheduled for the same teacher during the same period, (e.g., enrolling PE I and PE II students in the same class section for the same physical educator).
ODE Assessments
Additional Resources
PEI Semester at a Glance w/ Lesson & Assessment links
PEII Semester at a Glance w/ Lesson & Assessment links