ODE K-12 Visual Art Standards

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  • Grades K-2 Progress Points

    Students will at the appropriate developmental level:

    1. Recognize that people from various times and cultures create works of art to be looked at, valued and enjoyed.
    2. Explore a range of art concepts and artworks and construct meaning about the works.
    3. Connect making art with individual choice and understanding personal cultural identity.
    4. Produce artworks that express and represent their experiences, imagination and ideas using a range of media including new technologies.
    5. Form and express opinions about artworks and apply critical and creative thinking skills to assess and refine their artworks.


    Grades 3-5 Progress Points

    Students will, at an appropriate developmental level:

    1. Examine a range of artistic works to gain insight into the historical and cultural traditions of local and global communities.
    2. Identify and apply universal themes and processes to communicate meanings, moods and visual effects in personal and collaborative artworks.
    3. Demonstrate technical skill, craftsmanship and reasoning abilities in solving visual art problems using appropriate tools, media and technologies.
    4. Express personal responses to artistic works giving reasons for their interpretations and preferences.
    5. Provide and use feedback to improve and refine their artworks.


    Grades 6-8 Progress Points

    Students will, at the appropriate developmental level:

    1. Recognize that examining the artistic works of others leads to understanding about cultural traditions, history, politics and their world.
    2. Describe, interpret and evaluate artworks empathizing with and challenging the opinions of others.
    3. Select, manipulate and refine arts concepts and processes to produce artworks that visually communicate their experiences, ideas and viewpoints.
    4. Develop and use criteria for making judgments about artworks and visual imagery and use descriptive language when talking and writing about works of art.
    5. Connect the content of visual artworks to interdisciplinary concepts, issues and themes.


    Grades 9-12 Progress Points

    Students will, at an appropriate developmental level:

    1. Understand and articulate the intrinsic worth and public value of arts and cultural participation.
    2. Draw on a variety of sources to generate, select and evaluate ideas to create personally meaningful products.
    3. Address and communicate complex visual and conceptual ideas using a range of technical skill and art media including new technologies.
    4. Access and evaluate information from a variety of sources for visual reference with attention to ethical and legal issues.
    5. Apply reasoning skills to communicate key ideas expressed in their artworks and the works of others and use appropriate criteria and language to critique the works.
    6. Analyze and use digital tools to understand how and why images are created and interpreted and how media influences culture, beliefs and behaviors.
    7. Demonstrate flexibility and reflective habits when creating visual art forms in a variety of artistic contexts and environments.
    8. Demonstrate respect for, and effectively work with, socially and culturally diverse teams or content to increase innovation and quality.
  • Enduring Understandings

    • Personal Choice and Vision: Students construct and solve problems of personal relevance and interest when expressing themselves through visual art.
    • Critical and Creative Thinking: Students combine and apply artistic and reasoning skills to imagine, create, realize and refine artworks in conventional and innovative ways.
    • Authentic Application and Collaboration: Students work individually and in groups to focus ideas and create artworks that address genuine local and global community needs.
    • Literacy: As consumers, critics and creators, students evaluate and understand artworks and other texts produced in the media forms of the day.