

  • Welcome to the CCS Achieve3000 page! Here, you will find information about Achieve3000, helpful tutorials for reports and tools, and important updates happening in our schools. Achieve3000 accelerates literacy learning growth with differentiated content and instruction. It is proven to double and even triple expected reading gains in a single school year. It is the district's official Tier 2 & 3 literacy intervention resource for grades 9 through 11 for English Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies classes. Achieve3000 is accessible via ClassLink.


    Teacher Log In Set-Up in Achieve3000

    When teachers first log in to Achieve3000, the platform may ask to verify the program. Choose BOOST. The Boost program enables the most support for students.


    Student BOY LevelSet Assessment

    The LevelSet window opens on Monday, August 26, and will remain open to ensure that all students complete it. The LevelSet will determine the appropriate reading level for each student, and as a result, Achieve3000 will automatically convert articles and activities to each student's Lexile level for successful, independent practice. With this in mind, before students take the assessment, teachers should prepare them to take the assessment seriously so that the results accurately reflect their present skills. Any ELA, Social Studies, and Science teacher in grades nine through eleven may facilitate the LevelSet. However, we suggest that Social Studies teachers prepare students for the assessment by sharing the following handout and video, and implement the LevelSet in Social Studies classes. This handout and video (English and Spanish) will help to prepare students prior to testing. (Note about video: The video explains that students will have login information to enter the platform, however CCS students will access Achieve3000 via ClassLink, so no login information is needed.) Also, these instructions help to guide teachers through the before, during, and after steps of the LevelSet assessment.


    CCS Achieve3000 High School Competitions SY24-25

    BOY LevelSet Winners: CONGRATULATIONS to the schools with the highest average LevelSet completion in the first month of school through September 18th. Well done!


    First Place

    Mifflin HS-  73%


    Second Place

    East HS-  70%


    Third Place

    Marion Franklin HS-  63%

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