Curriculum & Instruction

  • Curriculum and Instruction has the primary responsibility to ensure the delivery of high-quality instructional resources, enhance classroom practice, and scale effective programming to increase student achievement and prepare all students for college, career, and life.

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Portrait of a Graduate

  • The Portrait of a Graduate is the District’s “north star” that ensures we prepare students for success, now and in the future. The Portrait is a collective vision that articulates our community’s aspirations for every student in Columbus City Schools.




    The Portrait of a Graduate includes six attributes that we envision for every CCS student to embody:

    • Adaptability – Our students will be agile in thoughts and actions, responding productively to positive and negative feedback while balancing diverse views to reach workable solutions.
    • Communication – Our students will effectively express thoughts and ideas using oral, written, and nonverbal skills while being active listeners able to decipher meaning and intention.
    • Creativity – Our students will be imaginative and explore original ideas and innovative solutions by transcending traditional thoughts, patterns, and relationships.
    • Critical Thinking – Our students will analyze and apply evidence-based reasoning to understand “big picture” challenges and how solutions affect other parts of a system.
    • Global Empathy – Our students will value and engage diverse cultures and unique perspectives through mutual respect and open dialogue while taking action to make the world more equitable and inclusive.
    • Technology – Our students will leverage traditional and emerging technology to consume, create, communicate, and connect while practicing responsible citizenship in an increasingly digital world.