- Columbus City Schools
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The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model responds to the call for greater alignment, integration, and collaboration between health and education to improve each child's cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development. To learn more about the WSCC model, click here.
All grants must go through the Columbus City Schools Grants Endorsement Process prior to applying.
If there is an external or competitive grant you are interested in applying for, you must first seek permission from the district to apply for the grant on behalf of Columbus City Schools. Columbus City Schools is driving transformational change in the district. In an effort to become more cognizant of our footprint to reduce paper use, the district has now converted the Columbus City Schools Grant Endorsement (CCSGE) process and developed an online process/application. Visit the State and Federal Programs website under the Grants tab for more information.
Wellness Policy:
Safe Routes to School:
School Arrival & Dismissal Toolkit
Healthy Gatherings:
Columbus Public Health Tools and Resources
6 Steps to Hosting Healthy Meetings, Events, and Celebrations
Guidelines for Healthy Celebrations in the Classroom
Tips for Teachers: Promoting Healthy Eating & PA in the Classroom
Tip Sheet: Healthy Non-Food Rewards
Evidence-based Articles on Healthy Celebrations and Snacks
Physical Activity:
CCS Health & Physical Education
Tips for Teachers: Promoting Healthy Eating & PA in the Classroom
Safer Ohio School Tip Line
The Safer Ohio School Tip Line is a free safety resource available to all Ohio schools. The tip line is an anonymous reporting system that accepts both calls and texts 24 hours a day. This tip line allows students and adults to anonymously share information with school officials and law enforcement about threats to student safety—whether that involves a threatened mass incident or harm to a single student.
Action For Healthy Kids
Get Your Game On. Action For Healthy Kids offers a flexible, free online framework to help schools create healthier learning environments for students, staff and communities. Search through the Game On Activity Library that offers hundreds of healthy activities, and walks you through the six key steps of building a healthier learning environment. Click here to view the Action For Healthy Kids Game On Activity Library.
Wellity Education
Wellity's mission has always been to provide access to quality yoga and mindfulness. They are working hard to create online yoga classes that students and families can complete at home together. Check out their YouTube channel for free online yoga classes that you can use at home.