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    SBOE  has made changes to their Rapback Background check system. These changes will affect how you answer the questions when completing your application to renew your permit. Click the link below to review not only the section for current educators, but for Rapback also.

    What Educators Need to Know


    multicolor text PNG, SVGWhen you submit your application for renewal, it goes through a two-step process. One approval for the permit, the second for your background. 


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    You can renew your permit beginning December 1, 2024. Set a reminder now! All permits will expire 6-30-25, but CCS guidelines are sooner!

    • The cost to renew your license is $25.00 for one year or $100.00 for four years.
    • If you are applying for the four-year permit, make sure you add the ESEA back on to the application. SBOE will not automatically transfer it.
    • Superintendents Signature is IRN#043802, or you can search by typing the word Columbus and selecting Columbus City School District.
    • Fingerprints and Background Checks are the same thing and may be required. You only need them every 5 years.The Power of Free on Amazon - Brooke Warner