Advanced PE (991115)

  • Advanced Physical Education

    This course can be taken in middle school while students are in 8th grade or in high school for students in grades 8-12.

    The foundation of Advanced PE is based off of the Ohio Department of Education Standards and Benchmarks which can be found by following this link, ODE PE Standards and Benchmarks

    This course is designed so that MS and HS Physical Educators can provide an advanced physical education course to their students that increases students skills in some if not all the standards and benchmarks. Attached is an example of an Advanced Physical Education Course designed for Columbus City School students that will advance their student's physical education skills and activity levels. Any of the unit plans that are loaded on the CCS PE curriculum webstie can be inserted into any selections of this course as long as the educator is following the Ohio Department of Education Standards and Benchmarks as guidelines.


Introductory to Weight Training

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

Advanced PE Unit 1, Physical Fitness and Wellness

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

Advanced PE Sample Units and Documents