Gifted Services

  • Differentiated Curriculum
    All students, including gifted learners, require curriculum that is differentiated according to readiness, interests, and learning styles. Differentiated instruction allows students to learn at an appropriate pace and participate in challenging and rigorous learning opportunities. Differentiating instruction involves assessing student needs, designing activities and lessons to address those needs, and evaluating the results. It enables teachers to meet the learning needs of a diverse population of students.

    Some examples of differentiation strategies include, but are not limited to: flexible grouping, curriculum compacting, tiered assignments, independent studies, learning centers and choice menus. To help increase the rigor of the general curriculum for gifted learners, Gifted Resource Specialists assist teachers with incorporating elements of Kaplan's Depth and Complexity model into daily lessons and special projects. More information can be found here.

    When differentiation is a common part of daily instruction, it may not be something that stands out on assignments brought home. Talk with the classroom teacher and Gifted Resource Specialist for specific information about the differentiation occurring in class.

    Service Models
    The district offers an array of services and enrichment opportunities for students who are gifted at all grade levels. Options include the Columbus Gifted Academy, self-contained gifted reading and math classes, arts impact middle and high schools, advanced high school coursework, and academic acceleration among others.

    Inter-District Open Enrollment For Gifted Services
    Students outside of Columbus City Schools may be eligible to participate in gifted services if they meet the gifted identification placement criteria, are accepted into the district through the general Inter-District Open Enrollment application process, and if space is available in the gifted service option selected. For full details of the procedures for placement, view the Procedures for Inter-District Open Enrollment PDF on the Gifted & Talented Downloads and Links page.

    Written Education Plans
    Students who receive gifted services require a Written Education Plan (WEP). The purpose of a WEP is to communicate among gifted coordinators, classroom teachers and parents about the gifted service a child is receiving. The service should match the child’s area(s) of identification. WEPS are written and sent home at the end of the first grading period for students involved in one of the service models outlined in the district plan found on the Gifted & Talented Downloads and Links page. Progress reports are sent home with the report cards of students in grades K though 8 at the end of each semester. Progress toward the WEP goals for high school students is part of the course grades and comments each quarter.

    Withdrawal from Service
    Students may be withdrawn from gifted services at parent request. Requests must be made in writing, and it is strongly encouraged that the SAIL/IAT process is utilized first to try to find strategies to ensure student success. If withdrawal occurs, a withdrawal form must be submitted to the Gifted & Talented office. Forms are available from the Gifted & Talented office or on this site. Withdrawal or refusal of service is in effect for the school year in which it was requested. Students who are removed from gifted services may participate in gifted services in future years provided they meet the eligibility criteria in place for services at that time. Details about service withdrawal can be viewed on the Gifted & Talented Downloads and Links page.