Gifted Professional Development Content

  • The Gifted Operating Standards set by the state require the professional development to address specific competencies including the selection, creation, modification and implementation of differentiated curriculum that is accelerated and complex, an understanding of the unique social-emotional traits and other characteristics of diverse gifted learners, the use of assessment data for gifted identification and progress monitoring, and creation of Written Education Plans. See the Operating Standards for more details.

    To assist teachers with aligning their professional development with these competencies, the district will develop and offer professional development using the best-practice recommendations of the Ohio Association for Gifted Children and correlated to Teacher Preparation standards set by the National Association for Gifted Children and Council for Exceptional Children. Teachers will be guided to acquire hours on the following topics:

    Suggested 60-Hour Professional Development Plan for Classroom Teachers of Gifted Learners


    Year 1

    Year 2

    Year 3

    Year 4


    Day 1 – 6 Hours

    Day 2 – 6 Hours

    Day 3 – 6 Hours

    Day 4 – 6 Hours

    Day 5 – 6 Hours

    Day 6 – 6 Hours

    Face to Face Content from GT Division



    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Lesson Design for Gifted Learners (plus intro GT Standards)

    Data-Based Differentiation Strategies Pt. 1

    Data-Based Differentiation Strategies Pt. 2




    Online – 3 Hours

    Online – 9 Hours

    Online – 3 Hours

    Online – 9 Hours

    Online Content from GT Ignite

    o   Gifted and Thriving (Michael Saylor)

    o   Iconic Prompts of Depth and Complexity (Dr. Paige McCord)

    o   Integrating Social-Emotional Awareness into your Classroom (Ian Byrd)


    o   Infusing Creativity and Creative Thinking Skills in the Gifted Classroom (Bob Iseminger – 3 hours)

    o   Building Depth and Complexity into Pre-AP and AP Classrooms (Bob Iseminger)

    o   Secondary Courses of the Gifted: Beyond More of the Same (Richard Cash)

    o   Defensible Instructional Practices for Secondary Gifted Students (Richard Cash - 3 hours)

    o   Choice – 1 hour

    o   Questioning for Higher Order Thinking (Joyce Juntune – 3 hours)



    o   Closing the Achievement Gap for Students Raised in Poverty (Joyce Juntune – 6 hours)

    o   Motivation and Underachievement (James Webb)

    o   Self-Regulation in the Gifted Classroom (Richard Cash)

    o   Choice – 1 hour


    Total Hours

    15 hours

    15 hours

    15 hours

    15 hours


    Suggested 30-Hour Professional Development Plan for Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate Teachers of Gifted Learners

    **Must have documents 24 hours of training from College Board or International Baccalaureate within past 5 years to be eligible for 30 hour plan.


    Year 1

    Year 2

    Year 3

    Year 4


    Day 1 – 6 Hours

    Day 2 – 6 Hours

    Day 3 – 6 Hours

    Day 4 – 6 Hours

    Face to Face Content from GT Division



    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Lesson Design for Gifted Learners (plus intro GT Standards)

    Data-Based Differentiation Strategies Pt. 1


    Online – 2 Hours

    Online – 2 Hours

    Online – 2-4 Hours

    Online – 2 Hours

    Online Content from GT Ignite

    o   Gifted and Thriving (Michael Saylor)

    o   Integrating Social-Emotional Awareness into your Classroom (Ian Byrd)


    o   Iconic Prompts of Depth and Complexity (Dr. Paige McCord)

    o   Secondary Courses of the Gifted: Beyond More of the Same (Richard Cash)

    o   Building Depth and Complexity into Pre-AP and AP Classrooms (Bob Iseminger)

    o   Defensible Instructional Practices for Secondary Gifted Students (Richard Cash - 3 hours) OR

    o   Inquiry, Connection, Autonomy (Carrie Simpson – 1 hour)

    o   Motivation and Underachievement (James Webb)

    o   Self-Regulation in the Gifted Classroom (Richard Cash)



    Total Hours

    8 hours

    8 hours

    8-10 hours

    8 hours