• Special Education Records Department

    Columbus City Schools (CCS) special education department has staff assigned to respond to record requests for Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and Evaluation Team Reports (ETRs).  Maintaining and quickly responding to requests for special education records within a timely manner will ensure there is no interruption in student services when that individual transfers to another school and helps provide proof of a disability to outside organizations.   

    The special education department receives requests from approximately 240 various entities.  These entities may include schools, courts, law offices, universities, county developmental disability offices, and social security.  Below is data that has been kept regarding requests that have come through the department  

    Record Requests Per Month

    Requests Per Year



  • Digitizing Special Education Records

  • As of November 1st, 2022, all special education records have been digitized.  This was a monumental task since CCS has the largest number of special education students in the state of Ohio. Digitization of records has helped increase department response times to record requests, prevented the loss of records, and decreased overall costs.     


  • Record Requests for Current Students

    All individuals or organizations are required to use Scribbles K12 transfer website to request special education records for current students.  This website provides a more secure system and ensures quicker response times to requests.  Click https://transfer.scriborder.com/  to create an account so that you can submit your records request.  


  • Alumni Requesting Records

    CCS Alumni can go the link below to begin the process of requesting transcripts, IEPs, ETRs, and other information.  Scriborder does not process requests for current students other than IEPs or ETRs.  Current students can request records from their respective school.  


  • Download and Send Special Ed Records

    CCS secretaries who want to know how to access IEPs/ETRs 504 plans for a student can click the video link below to learn how and what to send.