Gifted Professional Development Documentation

  • The Gifted & Talented office will assist teachers with keeping track of professional development hours related to gifted education in a database maintained within the department. Teachers are encouraged to track their own hours either through inclusion in their IPDP and documentation on the CCS PDS system. 

    • Any professional development offered by the district's Gifted & Talented office will be recorded in PDS automatically and documented in the Gifted & Talented office records.
    • Any professional development obtained online using GT Ignite will automatically be documented in the Gifted & Talented office records, BUT the teacher must print the certificate of completion and submit a proposal for credit in PDS to have the hours count toward license renewal.
    • If a teacher uses an outside provider for professional development, he/she must provide the documentation form and a copy of the certificate of completion to the Gifted & Talented office for their records. If the teacher would like the hours to count toward license renewal, he/she must also complete the proposal for credit in PDS.